
Showing posts from January, 2021

Citizenship and Relocation Services to Help Achieve Dual Citizenship

Citizenship is the status of being a citizen of a specific nation, and it also signifies a person’s legal status. As expected, citizenship carries with it numerous consequences including political rights which involve the right to cast vote, hold public office, own land, and right to travel with the country’s official passport with safety. Being a citizen of a country grants several rights and responsibilities. Primarily, citizenship is granted on the basis of your birth. It means you automatically get the citizenship of the country you are born in and if it is same country where your parents were born. Sometimes, the country of birth of your parents and your may be different. Certain rules and regulations apply in scenarios other than the birth. In the modern, digitally interconnected world, the concept of dual citizenship is gaining momentum. As you can assume, dual citizenship means having citizenships of two countries simultaneously. If you fulfill certain criteria, you can acqui...